Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Up or Down: It's a Choice

873 Days to Complete 101 Dreams Come True

I had a dream last night that I was about to bungee jump into dark, cold, shark-infested waters. I knew that when I hit the water I'd be in complete darkness. I was fearful that a shark would be near and I wouldn't be able to see him to try and get away before he attacked. When I woke I realized the dream symbolized how I'm feeling about life. I'm diving into the unknown. I can't see the future and this little voice in the back of my brain likes to chat about failure.

I believe this fear of what might happen is what holds us back in life. When I first moved to California I was in a long-term relationship, living in an apartment I hated, and focused on a partnership where I felt I was third in importance. Though I loved the man I was with, I felt I was living his life instead of the one I desired. I was lonely without friends, I couldn't sleep because of the stress of hating my life, and the spirit inside me felt stuffed into a box.

For five years, I contemplated leaving. I loved this man with everything I was, but I wasn't happy. Each time I went to take the step to leave, fear roared: you will end up alone and broke; Christmas will be horrible without him; you'll be in your late thirties without the chance of marriage or kids; you'll never be loved again; the pain of losing him will be too much.

Two years ago today, I chose to pack my stuff and leave. The break-up ripped me apart. I had given my entire spirit to this man and I believed his love made me worthwhile.

I look back at the woman who lived in that apartment and I don't recognize her. While I was in the relationship I struggled with weight. I fought day and night to diet and exercise to take off the layer of padding. No matter what I did, the weight wouldn't come off. This morning I woke and weight loss wasn't on my mind. In going after my dreams I live an active life that keeps my body in great shape.

There was a time that I dreaded Mondays because I didn't want to face another week of stress, loneliness, and hurt. This week started with going to church and getting hugged by amazing people. Then I went to a hockey game with friends. I'll skate, ski, dance, go rock-climbing, get together for a writer's group, plan a trip to S. America, trade massages with my girlfriend, and have a girl's night out by week's end.

Do I still fear? Yes. The biggest one being that I'm waiting too long to have children. Is it scary to do this on my own without a partner to support me? Absolutely, but it also gives me the freedom to live for myself.

Two years ago I jumped into dark, cold waters that were shark-infested. I went through pain, I was alone, and yet out of it came the greatest life I could imagine.

I could've stayed down and said, "Woe is me, my life is horrible." I could've ran to the next relationship to fill the void, but I would've ended up being the same person. Instead, I chose up. I decided I wanted everything from this life. I guess that's why at the end of last night's dream I overcame my fears and jumped.

1 comment:

  1. It does come down to choices huh and from this many large and small choices we each make each new day that can effect us on down the road tomorrow or years from now as you share. Glad yo did do what was best for YOU! HUGS

    ~Expect Miracles
