Monday, August 30, 2010

Turns Out I'm Infectious

53 Dreams Accomplished on the Way to 101 Dreams Come True

This morning a skating friend said to me, "I saw your website. What you're doing is infectious." She explained that she and her husband have always had lists of dreams they'd like to do, but instead have spent most of their life working hard to build their business. They've found themselves bogged down by the daily grind and wondering what life is all about. She said that her daughter was following in their footsteps of becoming a workaholic. When my friend shared my website and my 101 Dreams Come True with her husband they began talking about the dreams they want to accomplish and they began to put a plan in motion.

Last week, I had some really down, depressed days. I was exhausted mentally and emotionally from family issues and I felt like I didn't want to continue making this journey public. No matter how pure my intentions are to help others, when someone says that I'm a showoff who needs to be the center of attention, or that they don't like being around me because of how I live my life, or better yet I'm told who I am and I'm not even allowed to defend my actions, it's defeating. Everyone wants to be seen for the person they are, and when that doesn't happen it hurts.

So last Tuesday, I curled into my blankets, ate ice cream, watched movies, and did a whole lot of crying. When I woke the next morning I didn't want to get out of bed. I wanted to stay in my cave, but instead I meditated, went skating, worked out, and wrote. I moved forward through the sadness and focused on what was good in my life.

Two days later, a friend made my 53rd dream come true. He found out that Beauty and The Beast was playing in San Francisco, and he bought 10th row orchestra tickets, booked a beautiful hotel room, sent me the largest flower bouquet I've ever received and flew in from Chicago to take me to the play. We went to dinner, the show, and then the Grand View room for dessert. He did it all just to put a smile on my face.

Today when my skating friend told me that making my dreams come true was infectious I had to think about how incredible this journey really has been. In the last month, three of my dreams have come true: seeing Vancouver, Hang Gliding, and now seeing Beauty and the Beast. Each one of these dreams came true because people wanted to share in my journey and to see me accomplish what I desired.

There are always going to be people who will judge unfairly and see the world from their perspective. I'm a sensitive person who will never be able to let people's comments roll off my back, especially those I love. Life will have it's ups and downs and days where bed, ice cream, and movies are critical therapy. But I've realized that though I may not please others by going after my dreams, I do build a life where even the hard things can't keep me down for long. And it turns out by shining my love for life, it's helping others to shine their light as well. Then they pass it along to another and there's a chain reaction. So here's to shining light no matter what someone says about me. What the heck, does it really matter what someone else says about me? Nope it only matters what I think. I'm the one living this life and I only get one shot at making it as full as possible. If I died tomorrow, opinions wouldn't matter in the least.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What's Different About You and BTW I Got Married

52 Dreams Accomplished on the Way to Completing 101 Dreams Come True

Number 51 and 52 were checked off my list and what an adventure they were. For the last two weeks I've been traveling from my home town, up through Oregon, with a stop off in Portland for my friend's wedding, then onto Vancouver, up to Whistler, back through Oregon and California along the coastal route with another stop in the Redwood forest. The blog was shut down due to a robot deciding I was a spam blog (too bad I don't even know what that is) and I haven't been able to update my ramblings about my adventures. There is so much to tell and many pictures to share and I will try to do this in an orderly fashion over the next couple of weeks.

Last you heard from me I was headed to Portland to attend my friend Tam's wedding. It was a sweet ceremony where the couple couldn't take their eyes off one another with the intimate love they share evident in their smiles and eyes. I hadn't seen my friend or his close friends and family in almost three years. When I greeted them and shared hugs they stared at me. I heard statements like, "There's something different about you. Did you lose weight? Did you change your hair? You look amazing." I smiled and brushed off the compliments wanting to hear about their lives and how things had been. Throughout the night, the comments continued, "There's just something so different about you. What is it?"

Finally I said, "I'm happy now. I'm going after my dreams, I'm living the life I've always desired."

"But you were happy before. You traveled, had a great relationship, skated, I thought you had the perfect life."

And I had to wonder at the change. They were right, I did travel and skate before this journey, I was in a deeply committed relationship, but I wasn't living out loud and I wasn't happy. It was easy to pretend that I had the perfect life and show that to the world, even when inside I felt like I was dying.  I wasn't falling in love with the world and seeing life from a perspective where dreams were meant to happen. I was living to please others and to keep peace. I was forcing myself to comply. I was settling for less than magnificence.

The next day I got married. It was a beautiful ceremony on the waterfront of Portland. I stood by a white cardboard chapel with Rev. Mart Sepulveda as she rapped and committed me to my journey of completing my 101 Dreams Come True. I said my vows, that no matter how hard, no matter what roadblocks found me, I would continue on this incredible journey of mine. She placed a small pinch ring on my left finger and pronounced me married to myself.

I loved it. What an incredible concept. That marriage isn't just about committing yourself to another person, but making a commitment to the things that matter most in your life.

So now, I can finally ease all those people's minds that worry that this journey and my independence will keep me from ever getting married and being happy. I'm married now to the happiest dream I could ever imagine - a life filled with the greatest decadence and beauty this world can bring.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


51 Dreams Accomplished on My Way to 101 Dreams Come True

I thought I had packed well for my trip through Oregon and then up to Vancouver. I had shorts and t-shirts along with a couple of fleeces for camping. I had my fancy city clothing. I even remembered a rain jacket.

Now that I've reached a few of my destinations I've realized that living in California has changed my perception of weather. For seven years, I've experienced brutal heat during the day without seeing a rain cloud for up to seven months. During the "winter" in California, I wear light jackets and I believe that warm spring weather starts the beginning of March. I have no concept that when I leave the state I should bring a jacket for cool nights during the summers months or that I would need long underwear to keep me warm while camping in the mountains.

While camping by a lake in Oregon, as I swung in my hammock wrapped in two fleeces, I thought about how where I live has changed how I think about the world.

When I lived in New England my life flowed with the seasons. I wore sweaters in the fall when the leaves changed and the air smelled like apples. I remembered to bring rain gear when I went camping in the summer and brought warm clothing for the nights. I knew the flowers and leaves didn't bud till mid-May, and I was always dressed like an Eskimo in winter. I saw the world through this vision of life. I would've never considered going to Europe in the middle of March since I knew the weather could possibly be horrendous. Yet, this year it never crossed my mind until after I booked my trip that the weather would be anything but beautiful.

As the sun set, and I stared at the Milky Way, I thought about my journey of making my dreams come true. There was a time when I believed that dreams were meant for other people. I came from a background of financial hardship. My family didn't dream of traveling the world, they worked hard just to make ends meet. The thought that one day I would see Paris was the furthest I would allow my mind to wander.

On the first night of my trip, I was walking through the campground at Crater Lake trying to find a hiking trail. I stopped to ask directions and when the woman looked at me to answer, I realized she was a friend from Massachusetts I hadn't seen in seven years. I spent two days camping with her and her husband as they showed me areas of Oregon I wouldn't have seen. When we separated, they invited me to their home when I drive back to California. She said to me, "Things like this just never happen."

"They do to me," I replied. I realized that since taking this journey I've begun to expect that miracles will happen - that my dreams will come to me in unexpected ways and with them it will bring people and experiences that I didn't even know I wanted or needed. My perception is changing.

I realized that this is the reason I've decided to make this journey public. I want to change the perception people have about life. Because what if we did believe that the world is a sunny, warm place where dreams are meant to come true? If I can do this, if I can complete my life-list, then maybe others will believe it too.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bards in Tights, Dancing Through the Night, and Swinging In Hammocks

51 Dreams Left to Complete 101 Dreams Come True

I knew my weekend was going to be good when it started on a Thursday night sitting by the bright blue waters of Lake Tahoe. As the sun set, my friend and I feasted on a picnic while three men took on the task of performing the complete works of William Shakespeare Abridged at the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival. I love Shakespeare and there is no better place to experience it than sitting on a beach surrounded by mountains with the sound of lapping water in the distance. It gives the work a surreal romantic effect.

Of course this year, the romance wasn't quite the same. Instead of the typical Shakespearean experience of serious literature, the three actors wore neon pink, yellow, and green tights with Converse high tops with period clothing. To give you some idea of how insane the show became I quote, "To be or not to be, that is the question....Bella I sparkle in the sunlight, do you love me or do you love Jacob?" The show was campy, raunchy, and utterly hilarious. I laughed till my cheeks were covered in salt from the tears.

On Saturday night I attended the Wanderlust Yoga and Music Festival. We sat ten feet from Moby as he played an acoustic set. The music seemed to vibrate the mountains with beauty and tranquility. Children sat in their parent's laps or stood on their shoulders and it felt like an innocence flowed through the crowd.

As the hours went by, the music revved in intensity. We danced to reggae and then to techno. Fire-dancers performed on stage and throughout the crowd. I lost myself in the music letting it move me until I felt like I had disappeared into the night sky, the stars, the mountains, and the beauty around me (I wasn't doing drugs, I don't partake. The high I speak of is a natural one that comes from losing yourself in the present moment, forgetting the ego and the mind, and letting go to life).

The next day found me on a beach, swinging in a hammock while I took in the scenery around me. I had no desire to move or to even read. I was content, looking at the beauty of my surroundings while I relaxed.

It was a sensual weekend: I felt the world around me; saw it's beauty; tasted great food; drank beautiful wines; felt loved by friendship; listened to great art; and touched life and all that is wonderful.

As I sat in a Jacuzzi bubble bath, drinking wine and eating chocolate covered strawberries and blueberries, I thought, this is why I began this journey - to taste life bigger, to experience the decadence of the world, and by some amazing gift I'm doing it in a more magnificent way than I ever thought possible.

The next two weeks will be about living life this way. I'm off to pack to begin my journey to make two more of my dreams come true. I will be heading to Oregon tomorrow. I've never seen this state, and though it isn't formally on my list of dreams, it's a place I've always wanted to see. From Portland I will go to Vancouver to complete my dream of seeing this area.  I'm blessed by the fact that a friend is bringing me to enjoy her family while showing me the city.

If the weather is in my favor, which I pray it will be, I will head to Whistler to go hang gliding in Pemberton with Gravity Sports. I've spoken briefly to Jon who will be making this dream of mine come true. I love his attitude about why he enjoys flying tandem hang gliding. As he put it, "I'm more than happy to help you on your quest Marci. That is the biggest reason I do tandems. My mission is to offer a fun and professional flying experience, using the combination of the best equipment and techniques to hopefully making people's flying dreams become a reality. I love to watch their joy afterward. It's such a rewarding and satisfying vibe, giving me an inner glow that tends to last a while."

Last night, I saw that someone quoted me on their blog and then made a list of their own of 101 Dreams Come True. By doing what I love, I've made others feel that they can do it as well. I love that Jon from Gravity Sports does what he loves and in the process is able to enhances people's lives.

It's thought to be selfish to go after what we love for personal reasons, but by being selfish and living our dreams, we effect the world around us. I believe it is everyone's right and responsibility to live a life of fulfillment. You never know how it will ultimately change the world.